MedExplorer is returning with a new site shortly.
A radiation oncologist - Dr. John Gwozdz
Information on the treatment of cancer with radiation therapy, how to choose a radiation oncologist, what to expect during your treatment, what to ask at your initial consultation and more.
About Prostate Cancer
Internet resource for prostate cancer patients and their families. Discussed prostate cancer symptoms, detection, and treatment options.
AMC Trust
AMC Trust is a charitable organisation in India providing hope and treatment to cancer patients
American Institute for Cancer Research - Online
AICR is the only national cancer organization focusing
exclusively in the area of diet and cancer. AICR funds
cancer research nationwide and provides a wide variety of free consumer publications on cancer prevention. The AICR Web site provides research updates, newsletter articles, newspaper columns, recipes and more.
Breast Cancer and Early Detection
This site is dedicated to providing information on breast thermography, risk assessment, breast cancer, early detection, and ultimately the preservation of the breast and the survival of women.
Breast Cancer Awareness
The Breast Cancer Awareness web site provides information on UK support, resources, events and campaigns of interest to those affected by breast cancer. Set up in Oct 1995, the site is run voluntarily and free space is provided by Easynet.
Breast Cancer Center
The breast cancer resource center has been created especially for those with metastatic breast cancer--individuals who have been initially diagnosed
with Stage IV cancer, or who are facing a metastacized recurrence.
Breast Cancer Online
Breast Cancer Online is an independent educational service and information resource for professionals working in the field of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Risk Calculator
Calculates a woman's risk of developing breast cancer, based on her personal risk factors.
Breast Health Network
News, links, and search dedicated to breast health and breast cancer information.
California Cancer Registry
Cancer surveillance system. Collects information about all cancers diagnosed, statewide.
Cancer Advice
Advice and information for patients and the general public on cancer. Includes support groups, a glossary of cancer terms, cancer links and advice leaflets and a book store.
Cancer and Solidarity Foundation
Cancer and Solidarity Foundation was created in order to award grants to researchers into cancer. The foundation generally favours scientists up to the age of forty. Because it is often youthful researchers who have the greatest difficulty in obtaining financial support, even though they need it most. The website presents the foundation, the researchers who were awarded grants, and the bi-annual newsletter of the foundation,
Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative (CCOPGI)
The Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative (CCOPGI) Web site contains the most current versions of the evidence-based clinical oncology practice guidelines produced by the Disease Site Groups of the Program in Evidence-Based Care with the support of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Cancer Care Ontario.
Cancer Links USA
A physician guided web site for cancer patients, their families, and caregivers.
Cancer News on the Net
"Cancer News on the Net" is an internet publication for
cancer patients and their families. We have links to most
of the major cancer and AIDS resources on the Net. In addition, we feature articles on various forms of cancer.
Cancer Pain Education Resource
A site focused on teaching health professional about cancer pain, funded from an NCI grant, provides curriculum, case studies, and cancer pain links.
Cancer Patient Information - Patient
A patient friendly site designed by a pharmacist who survived cancer. A wealth of information and links to other education sites. Submit your story or web page links as well!
Cancer Research Center of America, Inc.
After decades of research, this 501(c)(3) scientific organization now knows what are the major causes of breast cancer and fatal breast cancer. With this new information, we have developed a tool for use in determining what a woman can and must do to prevent a recurrence of breast cancer of its first occurrence.
Cancer Research Center of America, Inc.
Has determined what are the major causes and sources of breast cancers. Has developed new assessment tool.
Cancer Survivors Network
cancer survivor, cancer survivors, cancer support, cancer groups,
cancer group, cancer network, cancer community, cancer experience,
cancer friends
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
A nationwide network of cancer treatment facilities providing comprehensive cancer treatment, news, research, support, and education for the patient and their families.
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Cancer Treatment Centers of America is helping patients win the fight against cancer every day. And make no mistakefrom diagnosis to recovery, cancer is a fight. Why not ally yourself with a team of experts that never gives up?
Learn about a complete range of traditional and new innovative cancer treatment therapies designed to treat your mind, body, and soul, not just your cancer. Start fighting today.
Call us toll-free at 1-800-615-3055. provides current and accurate information from the National Cancer Institute, the Federal government's principal agency for cancer research. You will find a wide range of cancer information, including treatment options, clinical trials, ways to reduce cancer risk, ways to cope with cancer, and resources for researchers and health care professionals.
Dedicated to providing the global community of oncology professionals and cancer patients and their families and friends direct access to the latest advances in treatments and diagnostic procedures, the site provides critical and highly credible information about more than 20 forms of cancer primarily through proprietary MedClipsTM streaming audio/video presentations.
CancerLinks for the disease of cancer by providing a comprehensive and exhaustive series of listings of urls.
You starting point for cancer information on the web. A physician guided website for cancer patients, their families, and caregivers. - The Site That Helps Patients Help Themselves is a website for people experiencing nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Our goal is to provide clear, useful information that will help you gain more control over your health and well-being. - The Site That Helps Patients Help Themselves is a website for people experiencing nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Our goal is to provide clear, useful information that will help you gain more control over your health and well-being
Credible, current, comprehensive cancer information
from the National Cancer Institute, including types of
cancer, cancer treatment options, clinical trials, cancer
literature, cancer genetics, risk factors, prevention,
testing, and more. CancerNet is a component of the
U.S. Government's National Institutes of Health.
CancerNews on the Net® is dedicated to bringing patients and their families the latest news and information on cancer diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Information for both patients and physicians regarding non-narcotic pain therapy for metastatic bone cancer.
Tracking cancer information online. Cancer News, Books and Links. Up to date information on cancer. News updated every 15 minutes, Books and thousands of cancer web sites. Searches provide detailed current information on requests.
CancerTrialsHelp is offered by the Coalition of National Cancer Cooperative Groups to educate patients about cancer clinical trials. The site includes the Clinical Trial ABCs and a list of trials being conducted by coalition members
Chapman Lung Center
Your Specialists in Treating Lung Cancer and Emphysema. We use the latest research and feature new surgical procedures that can dramatically improve the quality of life for you and your family. The Chapman Lung Center provides treatment in an atmosphere of caring and understanding to help patients deal with lung cancer, emphysema, COPD, and other breathing disorders.
Childhood Cancer Center
This Center has been created especially for parents and others caring for a child with a solid tumor cancer.
Childhood Cancer Survivors Center
This information center has been created especially for survivors of childhood cancer and their families.
Childhood Leukemia Center
This Center has been created especially for parents and others caring for a child with leukemia or other cancer.
Childhood Leukemia Center
This center has been created especially for parents and others caring for a child with leukemia or other cancer.
Children's Cancer Welfare Services
The Children's Welfare Services has as its object to offer direct
financial and practical support to families, particularly those from
rural areas, with children suffering from cancer.
Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada
The Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada (CCAC) is the first non-profit organization dedicated to supporting people with colorectal cancer, their families
and caregivers. Its mission is to improve the quality of life of patients and increase awareness of the disease.
Review data from the CONFIRM study.
Endometrial Cancer
A short overview for laymen and students with glossary
Estrogen Receptor Antagonist
Review data from the CONFIRM study
FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered
Force offers support and information for women at risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer due to family history or BRCA status.
Neuroblastoma is a form of pediatric cancer that attacks approximately 500 children in the United States each year. The
majority of these children are diagnosed with stage IV disease. They typically have a very poor long-term prognosis of less
than 30% survival despite even the most intensive and aggressive treatments. Governmental funding remains insufficient to
help children and their families searching for a cure for this dreaded disease. Friends For Steven in conjunction with The
Neuroblastoma Children's Cancer Society is helping to find a cure.
Gemzar and oncology resources from Eli Lilly and Company designed to help patients and their families in discussions with health care professionals about chemotherapy and treatment with Gemzar.
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research
Institute has made a lasting commitment to the
prevention and cure of cancer. Each day, Moffitt
team members work tirelessly in the areas of
patient care, research and education to advance
one step further in our fight against the disease.
The Moffitt Research Center supports this
mission with laboratory space dedicated to
exploring cancer in hopes that scientific
discoveries can be translated quickly to patient
Hellenic Cancer Society
The Hellenic Cancer Society is a non-profit Organization, founded in 1958.
Its aim is the fight of cancer.
Welcome to HOT-OncoTherm, an acknowledged expert in oncologic Hyperthermia,
that develops and distributes technology for modern oncothermic cancer-treatment.
Interactive Media enabling you to empower your mind and body to overcome the challenges of coping with cancer treatment. allows you to empower both your mind and body to overcome the negative side effects of cancer treatment. The site includes support for cancer patients and survivors in the form of chat, email lists, updated news, forums and links to sites with information around the net.
International Myeloma Foundation
Information for patients, family members and medical professional on multiple myeloma. Myeloma is a cancer of the bone marrow for which there is currently no known cure. The International Myeloma Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for myeloma patients and, ultimately, to preventing and curing myeloma.
John W. Nick Foundation, Inc
We are a non-profit site dedicated to the awareness of breast cancer in men and women.
Johns Hopkins Pancreatic Cancer Web Site
The Johns Hopkins Pancreas Cancer Web page details the research and clinical developments in pancreatic cancer (with the very latest described in the "What's New" page), as well as the members of the multidisciplinary team of clinicians and scientists assembled here at Johns Hopkins to fight pancreas cancer. It includes the National Familial Pancreas Tumor Registry based at Johns Hopkins, and persons having more than one family member afflicted with pancreas cancer are encouraged to register their families.
Leeward Radiation Oncology
A complete guide to radiation therapy for patients and lots of CANCER RESOURCES! Also included is our newsletter, a patient's guide to radiation therapy, cancer resources on Oahu, and links to other cancer web sites for Patients, Physicians, Nurses, Hospitals, and Schools/Universities.
Living With Cancer
Do you or a loved one have cancer and need someone to talk with? Looking for more information or just a shoulder to lean on? Please visit and we'll make it through together.
Lymphoma Information Network
These pages are for those seeking information on lymphoma - Hodgkin's Disease and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL).
This site strives to do two things: put a bit of humanity and understanding to this disease and to gather lymphoma information and resources in one
Lymphoma Resource Pages
A comprehensive site on lymphoma - cancer of the lymph system. Focus on information and patient support.
MammaZentrum Kiel
Sie finden hier fundierte Informationen zu den wichtigsten Erkrankungen der Brust.
Das erste deutsche Mamma-Zentrum ist seit 1996 an der Universitätsfrauenklinik etabliert. Es ist eine interdisziplinär arbeitende Einrichtung, bei der Ihnen die Erfahrungen in der Vorsorge, Früherkennung, Behandlung, Nachsorge und Beratung bei Brusterkrankungen aus allen Fachgebieten, die sich mit Brusterkrankungen beschäftigen, zugute kommen. Neben der Wissensvermittlung über Brusterkrankungen, wollen wir Sie an unseren neuesten Forschungsergebnissen aus Kiel und den weltweit führenden Krebsforschungseinrichtungen teilhaben lassen.
Medical Registry Services - Cancer Registry
As the leading cancer registry software provider, MRS offers cancer registrars nationwide oncology data solutions. The tumor registrar, the oncology data specialist, manages cancer patient information utilizing MRS in its single user, network or multi-hospital editions.
Medicine OnLine - Oncology/Cancer
In-depth information on leukemia and lung cancer for healthcare professionals and consumers.
Melanoma Education Fund
The Melanoma Education Fund provides information about melanoma and self examination of the skin to detect the disease while it is thin and highly curable. Downloadable literature is also available from the site for distribution to individuals without internet access.
Melanoma Education Fund
The Melanoma Education Fund provides information about melanoma and self examination of the skin to detect the disease while it is thin and highly curable. Downloadable literature is also available from the site for distribution to individuals without internet access.
Melanoma Patient Educator and Counselor
Melanoma Patient Educator and
Counselor Available for Telephone Consultations, Andrew W. Kneier, Ph.D., UCSF Melanoma Center
Melanoma Patients' Information Page
The Melanoma Patients' Information Page is a comprehensive resource for melanoma patients with information on the latest available therapies and research. Also included are searchable databases for clinical trial abstracts, a very active bulletin board, and a chat room.
This comprehensive Mesothelioma research guide offers topics ranging from Mesothelioma symptoms and treatments, latest news and developments as well as attorney and legal information.
Mesothelioma Resource Web
Comprehensive site on mesothelioma - a form of lung cancer. Contains information on diagnosis, treatment options, and coping with cancer.
Morbus Hodgkin
Information abour Morbus Hodgkin
My Prostate Cancer - From a Patients Perspective
This is a day to day story of my diagnosis and treatment of my prostate cancer. In addition there are many pages devoted to the treatment of the disease.
Myeloma Information Exchange
Links and exchanges medical information about multiple myeloma for patients, caregivers, and medical professionals. Site also supports a free myeloma email discussion group.
Myeloma Information Exchange
Links and exchanges medical information about multiple myeloma for patients, caregivers, and medical professionals. Site also supports a free myeloma email discussion group.
National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC)
The National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC) is focused on providing information to women and their family members/caregivers on all issues related to cervical cancer.
National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC)
THe National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC) is the nations leading voice on grass roots issues for women and family members/caregivers dealing with issues related to cervical cancer.
New Approaches to Cancer Homepage
New Approaches to Cancer, a registered UK charity, provides support for cancer patients and their carers as well as an information service based on the holistic treatment of cancer.
New York University Cancer Institute
The mission of the NYU Cancer Institute is to decrease and eliminate cancer as a significant health problem throughout New York, the nation, and the world, by developing and maintaining excellent programs in patient care, research, education and prevention.
NHMRC National Breast Cancer Centre (Australia)
A 'one-stop shop" for information about breast cancer in
Australia. Information on statistics, resources as well
as full text of clinical guidelines and other reports and
consumer information.
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas Center
The Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma resource center is for families coping with NHL.
Through OncoLink you can get comprehensive information about specific types of
cancer, updates on cancer treatments and news about research advances. We update the
information everyday and provide information at various levels, from introductory to
in-depth. If you are interested in learning about cancer, you will benefit from visiting
OncoLink. University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center Resource
sitio oncologico totalmente en español
Oncology & Hematology Information Center
This web site offers information on research, clinical trials, and products within the realm of Novartis oncology and hematology.
Oncology Intercative Education Series
The award-winning Oncology Interactive Education Series developed by over 300 oncology professionals is the most comprehensive educational resource for cancer patients and health professionals.
Site OncoNavigator - catalog of Internet resourses on oncology:
* URLs of clinics and research centers;
* Mailing lists;
* Newsgroups;
* online libraries
and other useful information in this field (lists of books, magazines, conferences)
One Answer to Cancer
Public demand for information about Dr William Donald Kelley's imaginative approach to cancer and other health problems has reached proportions sufficient to warrant a further offering of his views and findings.
Ovarian Cancer - The Silent Killer. It Whispers, so Listen!
Ovarian Cancer - Be Aware of the Symptoms, Help Save Some Lives. One in seventy women will be afflicted with this, the deadliest of all gynecologic cancers. Early detection is SO important. Please help to spread the word, pass on at
Pateint Cancer Information Site
Patient chemotherapy information site is dedicated to drug use, warnings, precautions and common side effects of common chemotherapeutic agents. If a drug is not listed at this site, the user has the capability to submit a request to add the drug to the database within 48 hours
Patient Cancer Information Site
We are providing information about cancer in an attempt to provide educational material for other Cancer Victims. We hope this will aid some person in their search for a personal solution.
Information about Plasmozytom
Information for both patients and physicians regarding the prostate cancer therapy brachytherapy.
The Cancer Zone
Links to hundreds of cancer sites. Cancer news updated daily. Discussion boards.
The Candian Oncology Society
The Canadian Oncology Society's Web site is an informative and useful medical resource for oncologists, medical professionals and anyone with an interest in oncology. Among the many features the COS site provides are the latest innovations in drug development, on-line interactive discussion forums, up-to-date publications and ongoing clinical trials.
The Eye Cancer Network
An educational web site for patients with eye cancer and the health professionals who care for them.
The Marcia Lemkin Foundation to Conquer Lung Cancer
Provides funding for lung cancer research, and provides current lung cancer news and information.
The National Children's Cancer Society
The N.C.C.S. reaches out to children with cancer and their families by providing support for their medical and emotional needs.
"Reach out and save a child's life"
The Sutter Cancer Center in Sacramento
One of the largest and most comprehensive oncology centers in California, Sutter Cancer Center exists to provide quality primary and tertiary care and a continuum of services to meet the needs of people living in the greater Sacramento area and throughout Northern California.
Treatment of the Malignant Tumors By the Immunotherapy of Resan
The Immunotherapy Resan, which leads to absolute cure of malignant mours - The list of the malignant tumours. Tumor treatment.
US Too International Prostate Cancer Support Groups
Your online source for Prostate Cancer Information. US TOO is an independent network of support group chapters for men with prostate cancer and their families. US TOO groups offer fellowship, peer counseling, education about treatment options, and discussion of medical alternatives without bias.
One of our goals is to foster public awareness of prostate disease.
Visions of Hope
An initiative to help educate people nationally about breast cancer comprised of a traveling breast cancer exhibit, message of hope greeting cards and resources.
Welcome -
Welcome to CareCounsel
Access to Cancer Care Quality Review, Managed Care Advocacy, Extensive Health Information for the Consumer, and Family Care Resources and Referrals.
Welcome to
Eli Lilly and Company creates and delivers innovative medicines that enable people to live longer, healthier and more active lives.
Lilly products treat depression, schizophrenia, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and many other diseases. They create value for patients, health-care providers and payers, and reduce the cost of disease.
Welcome to
Welcome to This website provides cancer information, resources, and patient education for healthcare professionals, patients, and caregivers.
Welcome To
The Cancer Supportive Care Programs
For Total Patient Care
ancer Supportive Care Programs
to Complement Surgery, Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy and
Immunotherapy for Total Patient Care
World Oncology Network
Site for education about cancer and blood disorders aimed to professionals as well as patients.
Zometa International - Zometa Information for Healthcare Providers Outside the U.S. is a website created by Novartis Pharma to inform healthcare professionals outside the US on the drug Zometa (zoledronic acid), which is indicated for the prevention of skeletal related events in patients with advanced malignancies involving bone. These malignancies include multiple myeloma, prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and other solid tumor types.
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