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America's Oldest - Wethersfield Volunteer Fire Department
Wethersfield Volunteer Fire Department. Wethersfield is a mostly residential town, south of Hartford, Connecticut, USA. It covers approximately 13.6 square miles with a population of 25,100. It was chartered in 1634 and borders the towns of Rocky Hill, Newington, Hartford, and Glastonbury via the Connecticut River.
Arvada Fire Department
The Arvada Fire Protection District has a rich and exciting heritage originating in the early 1900s. Relive the history of an organization that was once dubbed "The largest volunteer fire department west of the Mississippi River."
Bainbridge Island Fire Department - Bainbridge Island Washington
The Department serves all of Bainbridge Island, an area of 28 square miles and a population of 20,150. The locations of the stations were specifically chosen to assure timely responses to all areas of the Island. One of our priority goals is to maintain emergency reponse times within an average of five minutes.
With the population growth and development of Bainbridge Island, our volume of emergency calls continues to increase. About 75% of all calls are for emergency medical services, and the remaining 25% are fire incidents.
Bellaire Fire Department
The Bellaire Fire Department is organized into five decision units: Administration, Special Services, Fire Suppression,
Emergency Medical Service and Volunteers. All these decision units play a major part in the mitigation, preparation,
response and recovery phases.
Boston Fire Department
The Boston Fire Department was established in 1678
and provides fire, rescue, and emergency medical
services to the citizens of Boston, Massachusetts.
Chandler Fire Department
The City of Chandler had an active and involved Chamber of Commerce when fire protection was first initiated. In 1917, the Chamber of Commerce ordered 500 feet of the latest fire hose, two carts, nozzles, and other necessary equipment from the Diamond Rubber Company. In addition, a volunteer fire company was organized, and every effort was made to give Chandler efficient fire protection. A "Hose House" was built of galvanized iron and was located in the rear of the Bank of Chandler building. In case of fire, it was necessary to break the glass near the door to gain entrance.
Chehalis Fire Department
The Department of Police & Fire Services coordinates and leads the efforts within the community to preserve the public peace, protect the rights of citizens, prevent
crime, provide protection to life and property from threats of fire and medical emergencies, and generally provide assistance to people in emergencies. The
department is responsible for the enforcement of all federal laws, and city ordinances within the boundaries of the city.
Chili FD Online
Delray Beach Fire Rescue
The City of Delray Beach Fire Department is a full service fire department
offering Advanced Life Support; rescue service,
fire suppression, fire safety, hazardous materials
response, water and high angle rescue.
East Franklin Fire Department Official Web Site
The East Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Department officially began operations on July 29, 1929.
Eastside Fire & Rescue
Eastside Fire & Rescue provides a full range of services including emergency medical services, fire prevention, public education, fire protection and hazardous materials control. The department also coordinates CPR training classes several times each month and conducts blood pressure screening daily.
Fairborn Fire Department
Respond to incidents involving fire, emergency medical, hazardous materials,
rescue, and other situations which require our intervention within our jurisdiction.
FDNY New York City Fire Department - unofficial site
Unofficial Home Page of FDNY.
Felton Volunteer Fire Department
The Felton Volunteer Fire Department was established in 1935 in Felton California. It became part of the newly created Felton Fire Protection District in 1946 serving approximately nine square miles of the township of Felton. Located in the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains between Santa Cruz, California and the Santa Clara valley, the department serves a populace of approximately 5000 people. Felton is located at the southern end of the San Lorenzo Valley, approximately 6 miles north of Santa Cruz on State Route 9.
Fire Department Instructor's Conference
Annual Conference for Fire Department Instructors.
Fire Department Washington DC Firefighter Local Union 36
Fire Department information and pictures about the nation's capital fire department.
Fire Department, Washington, DC - Firefighter Local Union 36
Firefighting resource. Equipment, Publications, Associations, Fire Departments and more... - The One Stop Fire Hydrant Information Resource
Some of the things you will
find on this web site include Fire Hydrant Pictures, Fire
Hydrant Information, Fire Hydrant Links, and the Fire
Hydrant List Serv email list.
Firetips is dedictated to providing information to firefighters from firefighters.
Fresno Fire Department Credit Union
Fresno Fire Department Credit Union was organized in June of 1935 by a group of Fresno City Firefighters to form a cooperative for saving and borrowing money. We have since grown to a $18 million financial institution serving firefighters and their families in all of Fresno County.
Georgetown City Fire Department
The official web-site of the Georgetown City Fire Department was established in
May of 1998.
Harwich Fire Home Page
Comprehensive site thats incluse many photos, as well as department information, statistics, fire safety information, and current events.
Highland Township Fire Department
Highland Township Fire Department, Livingston Highland, Missouri
Honolulu Fire Department
The mission of the Honolulu Fire Department today is the same as it was in 1850, to save lives and to protect property. However, today the department protects the
entire island of Oahu (the City and County of Honolulu), with a fire fighting force of over 1,000 fire fighters. The Honolulu Fire Department is presently the 12th
largest fire department in the United States.
Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Department - Maryland - Fire Rescue EMS Firefighting FD VFD
Located in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C., the
Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Department provides primary fire
and emergency medical services to the City of Hyattsville,
the majority (85% to 90%) of the Town of University Park,
and several surrounding unincorporated areas including
University Hills and the Prince George's Plaza area.
Ithaca Fire Department - Ithaca New York
Welcome to the Ithaca Fire Department's presence on the World Wide Web. These pages represent the beginning of a
continuing effort to provide up-to-date information about the Ithaca Fire Department and the people of IFD. In addition, we
plan to offer many kinds of information you can use including discussion on fire safety, fire prevention codes, and answers to
frequently asked questions.
Jefferson Parish Fire Department
Karns Volunteer Fire Department
Serves sixty-five square miles, including Karns, Ball Camp, Hardin Valley, and Solway Communities and over 30,000 residents...
Laurel Volunteer Fire Department
The Laurel Volunteer Fire Department (LVFD), Prince George's County Fire Department Company 10 is located at 7411 Cherry Lane in the City of Laurel, Maryland.
Laurel is situated in the northernmost portion of Prince George's County Maryland and borders three other Maryland counties: Howard, Montgomery, and Anne
Arundel. The Laurel Volunteer Fire Department responds to mutual aid calls in each of these neighboring counties.
Lebanon Fire District, Lebanon, Oregon
The department was founded in 1884 and provides both fire suppression and als/bls ambulance service as its emergency services.
Moyers Corners Fire Department
The Moyers Corners Fire Department ), located in the densely populated northern division of Onondaga County, New York, provides fire, rescue and emergency medical services within the Town of Clay. With an urban/suburban response coverage area of 23 square miles, the department protects a resident population of over 55,000 and a day time population of over 75,000.
New York City Fire Department
F.D.N.Y. Unofficial Home Page of New York City Fire Department.
Pennsylvania Firefighter
The premier internet portal for the Pennsylvania Fire & EMS Service. Thousands of links to stations, clothing, photos, video and more. Check out the Forums, Classifieds and Apparatus Sections
Register Fire Department - Bulloch County Fire Services
Register Fire Department is one of 8 vol. fire protection districts located in rural Bulloch County Georgia, which also includes our sister districts of Bay, Brooklet, Clito, Leefield, Nevils, Portal, Stilson, and the Statesboro (city proper, paid) F.D. Our district protects the Town of Register and approximately 1800 people within a 50 square mile fire district. We are a public department whose members are on a fully volunteer status with an ISO rating of 7/9.
The Register Fire Department was founded in the early 1980s. At its inception the department was composed of a small group of highly dedicated individuals and one apparatus which was housed in an old barn. Through the years, with the commitment of its members, the support of the community, and funding from the county, our department has made great strides in improving & updating it's fire suppression equipment.
Riverdale Fire Department - Riverdale Maryland - USA
Riverdale Fire Department, Riverdale, Maryland, USA
San Jose Fire Department
San Jose, California - Fire Department
Sedona Fire District
Sedona, Arizona - Fire Dept
Springdale Fire Department
This is the official website of the Springdale Fire Department. Included are such topics as Fire Safety, Carbon Monoxide Awareness, and other public safety issues.
Stillwater Fire Department
The official web site of the Stillwater Fire department, providing Fire/Rescue/EMS services to Stillwater, Oklahoma State University and much of Payne County in the State of Oklahoma, USA.
Stillwater Fire Department - Fire/Rescue/EMS
Provides primary fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to Stillwater, Oklahoma State University & much of Payne County in the State of Oklahoma, United States of America. Our phone number is (405)372-0025.
Ventura County Fire Department
As members of the Ventura County Fire Protection District, we are dedicated to enhancing the quality of
life of the communities we serve through the protection and preservation of life, property, and the
environment. This is accomplished by providing prevention, education, and emergency and support
services while seeking and utilizing new technologies to meet the dynamic needs of the community, and
by providing support, training and encouragement to the individuals in the organization.
Worcester Fire Department
The mission of the Worcester Fire Department is to improve the
quality of life within the city, by providing a high quality
emergency fire and rescue service, an excellent fire prevention
program, including public education and arson investigation, a
fire fighting force capable of handling emergencies which may
include structural fire fighting, hazardous material emergency
response, all types of rescues, and miscellaneous emergencies
and catastrophes.
Yuba City Fire Department
The Yuba City Fire Department has 36 officers, firefighters and support staff. Three fire stations house eight pieces of apparatus
utilized for both emergency and support operations. The department is responsible for providing the best possible fire and life safety
services to the citizens and business community in Yuba City.
Zionsville Fire Department - Indiana - Fire EMS Firefighting FD
Welcome to the Official Zionsville Fire Department Home Page - 100 North Ford Road - Zionsville, Indiana. Zionsville Fire Department on the internet is one of Indiana's premiere fire departments on the internet with fire and local links.
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