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Dartmouth Medical School (DMS)
Dartmouth Medical School is dedicated to advancing health through the discovery and dissemination of
knowledge. Our chief responsibility is to select students of exceptional character and
accomplishment and prepare them to become superb and caring physicians, scientists, and teachers. We
are committed to: education of health professionals in an environment of discovery; research that
advances health; formulation of health policies in the interest of our citizens; and service with
our partners to maintain this medical center as a local, regional, and national resource for health
care of the highest quality.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan
The Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Michigan Medical School maintains a Website to provide information about personnell and programs in the department. Medical students and resident applicants can find information about applying to the Residency Program. The Website also serves as a gateway to our intranet.
Eastern Virginia Medical School
EVMS serves the region of southeastern
Virginia known as Hampton Roads, a community
that consistently ranks high in independent
quality of living surveys. One of the most
populous regions of Virginia, Hampton Roads'
largest cities include Chesapeake, Hampton,
Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach.
Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen's University
Faculty of Medicine - McGill University
The history of medicine in Montreal and the history of McGill University are closely intertwined. In medicine, The Hotel Dieu Hospital had
been established in 1644, but by the early 1800s, it could only accommodate thirty patients1 and was unable to accommodate all of the
patients presented to it. In addition, there was no hospital for the English speaking population. In 1801, the parliament of Quebec established
the "Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning". This was a voluntary Protestant institution dedicated to stimulating secondary and
advanced education in the province. It was established in response to pressure from the English speaking community in Montreal, but it
resulted in no concrete steps until 1811 when James McGill, a prominent fur trader, bequeathed his country estate (which is the current
campus of McGill University) and ten thousand pounds for the endowment of the university which was to bear his name. In 1821, a charter
was granted by the legislative council and McGill College was given university powers and a governing board was appointed.
Faculty of Medicine - University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Harvard Medical School
One of the world's preeminent institutions in medical education and research. The breadth and depth of its scientific and clinical disciplines are
unsurpassed. The School has nearly 8,000 faculty and 17 affiliated facilities.
Health Administration Degrees
We researched health administration schools across the U.S. to bring you the most complete directory of programs. Theres no charge for schools to be listed in our directory, and theres no charge for you to use it.
"The purpose of Life University is to train qualified people from all walks of life throughout the world... not only to become skilled professionals but to also become meaningful human beings possessing an innate goodness and the ability to touch and affect all who come in contact with them."
Life University, School of Chiropractic
The Postgraduate Education Department of Life University is dedicated to providing quality professional programs for license
renewal credits. It is intended that all educational programs will serve as a medium to provide continuing education to better assist the
doctor of chiropractic and/ or related professional personnel in the quality care of the public.
Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine
Loyola University School of Medicine
was accredited by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical
Association on February 9, 1920, and has been a member of the Association of American
Medical Colleges since 1921.
Lviv State Medical University
Academic education in accordance with the standards of profession of a doctor, dentist, pharmaceutist.
Professional training in various medical specialities
Research work. Prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in practical medicine. Improvement of general education of students, strengthening of their physical and mental health. Creating condition for personality development. Improvement the situation in the area of public health in Ukraine
Medical Assistant Schools
This website is powered by a searchable database of 100% of the nationally accredited Medical Assistant schools in the country, including Online Medical Assistant Schools.
Medical School of Ben-Gurion University - Israel
In a small corner of this desert, the Medical School of Ben-Gurion University has become a beacon to countries throughout the world. The establishment of the
Medical School in l974, located "temporarily" in Beer-Sheva's Soroka Hospital (which services the entire population of the Negev), brought major changes to the
world of medical education and substantially improved health care in the Negev.
Meharry Medical College
Providing the underserved with access to health care
and education. The dream has evolved into Meharry's being today the
largest private historically black institution exclusively dedicated to
educating health care professionals and biomedical scientists in the
United States.
Morehouse School of Medicine
The Morehouse School of Medicine is a historically black institution established to recruit and train minority and other students as physicians and
biomedical scientists committed to the primary healthcare needs of the underserved.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Commitment to excellence in research, education and patient care form the foundation that makes Mount Sinai School of Medicine (MSSM) in Manhattan one of the world's foremost centers for medical and scientific training.
New York University School of Medicine
The New York University School of Medicine has a proud history
that goes back to 1837 and includes initiation of and participation in many
of the major events in American medicine through two centuries. In
1837, six years after the granting of the first University charter, the
minutes of the meetings of the University Council contained the names
of men suggested as professors for the chief branches of medical
Okayama University Medical School
Osaka University Medical School
Osaka, Japan Medical School
Postgraduate Institute for Medicine & Dentistry, Northern Deanery
People expect their doctors and dentists to be knowledgeable and skilled, and provide them with the highest standard of care. To help
meet this expectation, the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Dentistry (PIMD) will ensure the provision of the highest standards
of training. It will also encourage and assist established practitioners in maintaining their competence and continuing their professional
and personal development.
Ross University School of Medicine
Ever since its founding in 1978, Ross University School of Medicine has worked closely with leading
consultants on medical education to develop an educational program equal in scope and quality to programs
offered by United States medical schools.
Saint Louis University School of Medicine
The School of Medicine is one of the twelve schools which comprise the University. Established in 1836 as the Medical
Department of the University, by 1839 it had the distinction of awarding the first M.D. degree granted west of the
Mississippi River.
School of Medicine - The University of Birmingham, UK
Southern Illinois University - School of Medicine
SIU School of Medicine is the major institution in central Illinois and you don't have to compete with other programs in your residency training. You get a lot of direct patient care and everything we do is thought of in terms of its educational value.
St. Matthews University School of Medicine
St. Matthews's is dedicated to producing competent doctors that are in tune with the needs of today's society.
The Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing - University of Manchester
Welcome to one of the largest Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and
Nursing in Europe, set in the heart of the thriving city of Manchester
and known for over 200 years for its innovative teaching and
extensive research.
University of British Columbia, Faculty of Medicine
University of British Columbia, Faculty of Medicine
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) - School of Medicine
We, the faculty of the UCLA School of Medicine, seek to prepare our graduates for
distinguished careers in clinical practice, teaching, research, and public service.
Recognizing that medical school is but one phase in a physicians education, we must
create an environment in which students prepare for a future in which scientific
knowledge, societal values, and human needs are ever changing.
University of California San Diego (UCSD) - School of Medicine
The UCSD School of Medicine is one of the
nation's top-ranked academic institutions devoted to medical research, education, and health care services. The School of Medicine is
located on the UCSD campus in La Jolla, California a few miles north of San Diego. The school is notable for outstanding faculty and
students, world-class life sciences research, a rigorous curriculum, and the idyllic sunshine and sea breezes of the southern California
University of Michigan Medical School
The University of Michigan Medical School has been recognized as a
definitive site for state-of-the-art research activities, innovative medical
education and pioneering clinical care since its inception in 1848. The first
professional school at the University of Michigan, the Medical School
admitted its first class of 91 students in 1850 and has awarded almost 18,000
M.D. degrees in the past 150 years as well as educating thousands of
residents and biomedical researchers.
University of Minnesota Medical School
The University of Minnesota Medical School is located on the East Bank of the Minneapolis campus.
We are consistently ranked among the top 15 institutions in the country to attend medical school--among
a small handful of public universities. We enjoy a close relationship with other colleges throughout the
University, particularly the Academic Health Center, and with our sister medical school in Duluth,
University of Nevada School of Medicine
University of Nevada School of Medicine, has campuses in both Reno and Las Vegas.
University of Pittsburgh Medical School, Department of Pathology
The University of Pittsburgh Department of Pathology home Page is a comprehensive site for physicians, pathologists and patients for information related to the practice of anatomic and clinical pathology. Our site contains a description of all of the faculty fellows, residents and researchers in our department. A unique feature of our site is a searchable case database of over 100 multimedia clinicopathologic cases which are available for Continuing Medical Education credits. To date we have logged over 6 million hits and now provide links to 4 other WWW servers in our department.
University of Wisconsin Medical School
Since 1907, the University of Wisconsin Medical School has
shaped the profile of modern medicine by training generations of
young physicians, caring for the ill and pursuing landmark medical
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
The first diplomas issued by Vanderbilt University were to sixty-one
Doctors of Medicine in February of 1875, thanks to an arrangement
that recognized the University of Nashville's medical school as serving
both institutions. Thus, Vanderbilt embraced a fully-organized and
functioning medical school even before its own campus was ready for
classes in October of that year.
Washington University School of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine holds a rich history of success in research, education
and patient care, earning it a reputation as one of the premier medical schools in the world. Since its
founding in 1891, the School has trained nearly 6,000 physicians and has contributed
ground-breaking discoveries in many areas of medical research.
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Wright State University School of Medicine
Wright State University School of Medicine is located in Dayton, Ohio, and serves the Miami Valley region of southwestern Ohio.
Wright State is a community-based medical school affiliated with 8 major teaching hospitals and 20 other health care institutions in the
Dayton area. Wright State School of Medicine is committed to the process of life-long learning for physicians.
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