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Western Dermatology Consultants

Three board-certified dermatologists lead Western Dermatology Consultants in Albuquerque, N.M.: Dr. Barbara L. Einhorn, Dr. Leslie A. Glass, and Dr. Sara A. Mills. Together, these three doctors oversee a team of professionals who help to provide medical and cosmetic services at a westside location, eastside location, and spa. Staffers work together to provide solutions to everything from wrinkles, scars, and sun spots to rosacea, excessive sweating, and dry skin. A variety of laser treatments is available, as are BOTOX®and other injectables, the fat-reducing CoolSculpting®, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, sclerotherapy, and more. Western Dermatology Consultants will also work with patients on identifying and getting treatment for skin cancer. For more information, visit or call (505) 855-5503.

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